At 8:00 pm on August 23,the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Embassy in Croatia and the Croatian Ministry of Culture, hosted by CNAP and the Museum of Modern Art of Dubrovnik. TheEnthusiasm for Ink Wash Painting (Croatia Exhibition)” was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in Dubrovnik, Croatia.About 60 pieces ink works of 24 artists of CNAP.
Tunko Smokvina, director of the Museum of Modern Art in Rhodia, Ji Lianbin,the vice president of CNAP, Mato Frankovich,Mayor of Dubrovnik, Croatia, Xu Erwen,the People's Republic of China Croatian Ambassador,Nina Kurznak,Croatian Minister of Culture ,She delivered a speech. And Liu Jian,Yao Dawu,Zhang Nan from CNAP, A total of more than 300 people attended the opening ceremony.