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线上展览(四)交流与互鉴|国际视野下的中国绘画——中国国家画院作品交流展(荷兰展) 线上展览(四)交流与互鉴|国际视野下的中国绘画——中国国家画院作品交流展(荷兰展)


part.4 交 流 与 互 鉴





Exchange and Mutual Learning

The exchange and mutual learning between Eastern and Western art have a long history. Oil painting is an art form introduced from the West. The prints, oil paintings, and sculptures displayed here showcase, from one perspective, the achievements of contemporary Chinese artthat embraces openness, inclusiveness, and mutual learning.
Take printmaking as an example. The woodblock print “The Diamond Sutra,” created in 868 AD, is the world’s earliest extant, clearly-dated printed artwork. It is also the oldest Chinese woodblock print found so far. Over the next 1,000 years, the art of woodblock printing was passed down through the generations, becoming a widely influential genre in traditional Chinese art. The exchange of Eastern and Western prints began as early as the 17th century. Chinese woodblock prints were introduced to Japan, England, and Germany through trade, influencing Japanese ukiyo-e art, while Western copperplate prints appeared in the Chinese imperial court. In modern times, more Western print artworks found their way to China through cultural exchange between the East and the West, influencing the development of Chinese prints. Print artists Käthe Kollwitz from Germany, Frans Masereel from Belgium, and Alexei Kravchenko from Russia were introduced to China by the famous writer Lu Xun, providing important references for the New Woodcut Movement in China in the first half of the 20th century and further influencing subsequent woodblock print creation.
In addition to traditional color woodblock printing and water-based color printing, copperplate printing and lithography are widely used in contemporary Chinese printmaking. In the context of cultural exchange between the East and the West, copperplate and lithographic techniques from Europe have shown a tendency for East-West fusion. In addition, the more technically complex screen printing is also a favored form of creation for contemporary Chinese printmakers. The exhibit “Faded Information” is a surrealist copperplate print, “Autumn in Yaomo Village” and “Hot Spring in a Snowy Region” are impressive woodblock prints, and “On a Mother’s Shoulder” is a screen print with unique appeal. All these works are inspired by contemporary Chinese culture and society, and despite their various techniques and styles, they all present a serene, heartwarming, and delightful aesthetic.

Chen Ming

陶宏 对视 150cm×120cm 2020

赵培智 乐园之二 105cm×85cm 2024

赵培智 扮小丑的孩子 100cm×80cm 2023

赵培智 抱羔羊的少女 100cm×80cm 2023

赵培智 少女 100cm×80cm 2021

宛少军 月沼冬日 80cm×100cm 2022

邱琳 悸动韵华 60cm×60cm 2017

李卓 烟雨村庄 50cm×50cm 2007

杨越 逝去的信息 59cm×79cm 2021

罗贵荣 姚磨村的秋天 137cm×94cm 2020

罗贵荣 时间No4 73cm×101cm 2014

罗贵荣 时间No9 134cm×86cm 2019

罗贵荣 时间No10 106.5cm×75cm 2020

沙永汇 雪域温泉 100cm×120cm 2015

沙永汇 城市的乐章 115cm×73cm 2013

沙永汇 时代奔流 180cm×67cm 2020

沙永汇 筑梦诗篇 120cm×150cm 2015

康雷 母亲的肩负 150cm×110cm 2023

王艺 青春 150cm×25cm×25cm 2017

张哲宇 天路 100cm×40cm×30cm 2016

张哲宇 转山 200cm×35cm×35cm 2015

刘立宇 闲愁 68cm×18cm×16cm 2018

刘立宇 蓝色畅想 60cm×24cm×18cm 2022

邓柯 守望-部里亚特人 40cm×100cm×47cm 2019

邓柯 行吟 55cm×54cm×150cm 2024

编辑 | 齐丽梅