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展 讯|国际视野下的中国绘画——中国国家画院作品交流展(荷兰展) 展 讯|国际视野下的中国绘画——中国国家画院作品交流展(荷兰展)








贺江柏先生 与 徐涟博士

前  言




Xu Lian

Presenting the entirety of current Chinese painting in a single exhibition is an impossible task. The 98 works by 68 artists on display here tell the personal stories of their creators through different materials, techniques, concepts, and forms. They offer their viewers a window not only into the artists’ thoughts and feelings but also the thousands of years of history of Chinese art and the zeitgeist of contemporary Chinese people.
“Wandering through Mountains & Forests, is an eternal theme celebrated by Chinese artists. Through traditional Chinese ink painting, they try to extol the solace and peace found while ambling in nature, the harmony between man and nature, and a state of mind where time and space are transcended and the boundary between the self and surroundings melts. Those artists remind us that even in the modern, high-rise concrete jungles, one can still find their spiritual home if they can find peace within.
“All We Mortal Beings”, with their different appearances, identities, and postures, come to life under the artists’ brushes. Coming from real life and rendered realistically or with exaggeration or distortion, they became subjects of observation, revealing the artists’ compassion towards them.
“There is a Soul in Everything”, and humans are not the measure of all things. Whether it’s the plum blossom, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum, which Chinese people use as metaphors for themselves, or the birds in flight and galloping horses, everything is endowed with human characteristics in the artworks. In this vibrant world, the artists’ inner richness and completeness shine through, as well as the concept of ecological protection that the Chinese people have long embraced.
“Exchange and Mutual Learning” features oil paintings, prints, and sculptures. Many of their creators have studied or traveled abroad. An open and inclusive attitude that encourages learning from various foreign cultures and absorbing new artistic forms and modes of expression has created today’s fusion of Eastern and Western artistic languages and styles by Chinese artists. This allows them to depict Chinese themes and content with new artistic means, which in turn expands the expressive, especially defamiliarization, power of traditional Chinese art forms.
“Tradition and Innovation” is the path of exploration that Chinese artists have steadfastly followed. A total departure from tradition, however, is never the goal of art; rather, innovation is pursued to breathe new life and even reinvent tradition. For Chinese artists, technical innovation and improvement in skills in cultural traditions with a history of thousands of years ultimately serve the quest of their hearts. Therefore, you will see Chinese artists delving into the same themes throughout their lives, with a dedication that borders on the religious. The viewers, correspondingly, assess an artist by the level of the ineffable spiritual profundity they can convey and their continuously refined techniques to fathom those depths. In this sense, the brush and ink techniques of Chinese painting are nothing but the artist’s lifelong spiritual self-cultivation manifested as objects of artistic appreciation. In the era of the Internet and globalization, Chinese artists combine ideas and imagination, the virtual world and reality, illusion and nature, forming unique individual languages that offer a compelling glimpse of the overall landscape of contemporary Chinese art.
Human emotions are universal, and weare all capable of perceiving beauty. Therefore, an artwork’s value is best reflected in its resonance with its admirers. I hope that, through this exhibition, Chinese art finds more kindred spirits in the countries where it visits. 


策展人 贺江柏


Herbert-Jan Hiep

Mr. Hiep is a graduate of the Academy of Visual Arts in Tilburg (painting) and a qualified art teacher. He has organized numerous exhibitions and art events in both the Netherlands and abroad.  Notably, he co-curated the 2019 Art Project in Dafang Holland Creative Village, China. This unique project brought together twelve Dutch and Chinese artists to create works inspired by the rich history and culture of a centuries old Chinese village. Currently, Mr. Hiep serves as an initiator and senior consultant in the field of arts and cultural heritage, leveraging his diverse background and expertise to guide and support artistic endeavors. His dedication to promoting cross-cultural understanding and artistic development continues to enrich the cultural landscape.


策展人 徐涟


Dr. Xu Lian

Xu Lian, born in 1969, holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from the Department of Philosophy at Peking University and adoctoral degree in fine arts from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. A senior journalist and research fellow (professional title), she is vice president of the China National Academy of Painting and a council member of the China Artists Association. She is recognized as a leading figure in journalism by the National Press and Publication Administration and is an expert receiving special allowances from the State Council. She has received numerous national and provincial-level awards. Additionally, she is the director of the Senior Professional Title Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, a member of the Art Projects Evaluation Committee of the National Social Science Fund of China, and an expert on the China National Arts Fund Evaluation Committee.

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